Kids and Teens

kids and Teens

From friends to divorce to gender identity, our kids face life too. Bullying, school stress, learning disabilities, ADHD, childhood illness, and living in an imperfect world are just some of the things our kids navigate. We’re here to help.


As parents, we want our kids to grow to be whole, healthy, happy adults. And for us to look back and know we did a good job. Sometimes it is flat-out hard to know how to do that. We get it.

We work with kids, tween, teens and their caregivers to highlight and build on strengths and resilience. We teach ways to address whatever is going on. We keep our eye on helping kids move through life feeling good about who they are.

Good parenting is partly knowing when to pull in resources. At Oak Point Counseling, we are happy to be part of your team.


